Tuesday, October 30, 2012

September to November

October has been a very busy month. I've obviously neglected my blog but as of now..I'm BACK! I can't believe November is only two days away. The holidays are my favorite time of year. (I've been ready to put up the Christmas tree since the beginning of October!) I won't be participating in any Halloween festivities this year.I'll be on the road to observe in another school. I can't believe this time next year, I'll be applying for jobs. (eeeek! It sure does go by fast!)

1. I haven't bought any Halloween Candy this year! Buying a whole entire bag is dangerous for this  chocolate loving girl. I won't be home for trick or treaters, so there's really no "excuse" to buy any. (Even though I've definitely been craving a mini Reese's, Hershey's, kitkat & the list goes on.) Well she never fails me..my Grannie that is! She's super special & even though I'm in college..she never forgets a Halloween treat for her baby granddaughter! (Thanks for the road trip snacks Gran!)

2. I am usually pretty last minute when it comes to Christmas shopping. (I'm one of those crazies who are shopping on Christmas Eve!) Well..not this year! I've already planned out my gift giving this year & most of it will be online ordering. I'm so excited about my sisters gift (probably because I ordered one for myself too!) She reads this good ol blog (probably one of the few but definitely faithful readers) so I can't show a picture till after Christmas. No doubt I'll be advertising though for the fabulous new company.

 3. I believe this month God is really trying to tell me to "wake up!" I love the Lord with all my heart but things can get pretty crazy at times! My college schedule has me teaching, observing mentor teachers, or studying for multiple tests a night. I sometimes get so stressed & busy, I forget how blessed I am! I am so fortunate to be able to go to school but a school where I can worship the Lord is even better!

4. REVENGE! I can't believe how much is going on. It's almost a little bit hard to try to keep up at times but no doubt I'm loving it! I honestly don't want it to end, so we will see how much mischief Emily can get into this Sunday.

5. I didn't workout ONE time this month. Yikes! The holidays are rapidly approaching and I better get my big booty to the gym & fast!

6. My goal for November-take a picture or make a note of things I am thankful for EVERYDAY until Thanksgiving.

Looks like November will be just as busy as October. This month will be a little different though. I'll stop and think about how BLESSED I am. ( & spend more time with the Lord) I will document my thankful November & share with y'all!

Have a good start to a new month!