Friday, June 22, 2012

Happy Late Father's Day

I've been nothing short of busy! Behind on my blogging but better late than never..right?

(Last year at the ranch)
My dad is creative, fun, and carefree. He has an artistic characteristic about him that is contagious. You wouldn't know it by looking at him but he's nothing short of creative. My sister and I definitely got the creative genes from this guy! I am told I have my mom's face and my dad's body. Definitely got his calves (yes, the kind where I can't even buy cute knee high boots in the winter because they won't zip.) My sister is just the opposite, she has dad's face and mom's tiny body. Weird how all that works out! Anyway.. He's always been total cowboy (& no not one of those guys that dresses up in a cowboy hat and shined boots every year for the WHC rodeo..he's the real deal my friends!) Now he's a beach boy/cowboy. Yes, hes "that guy" that rides horses on the beach in the sunset..(sorry ladies he's not single) Sad I couldn't spend Father's day with him but I'll see him in August!

(My PA--my mom's dad)
You can always find a smile on grandpa's face. He enjoys life, loves him family, the Lord and is definitely a joker. He's extra spoiled by my Ma but aren't we all? I live a street away from my grandparents so I see those love bugs pretty often. We headed out for a yummy steak at Lytle Land & Cattle to celebrate Pa! Such a fun evening with lots of laughs.

So blessed with a crazy family..there is never a DULL moment.

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