Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Thankful November

November is here & in full swing! Thanksgiving will be here before we know it! (& so will those calories..eeeek! Anyhow, that is a whole nother post) Everyday in November until Thanksgiving I am going to document different things I am thankful for.

My first seven so far..(Thankful for the redstamp app. to help document my days)

I have an Iphone4s & Siri just might be the best thing since sliced bread! WOW! She told me step by step instructions on my GPS. (& for this sheltered small town girl, I'm horrible with big city directions!) So thankful for Siri when I was in the big city!

Love my mama! She does so much for me & I am so thankful for her! She always gives me unconditional love & support!

Words can not describe! Honestly, My the greatest lady ever!
I am so thankful for everything about her. Our lunch & shopping dates are so special & a tradition I will continue with my littles someday.

(Yes, I can count!) It's suppose to say day 4! I am thankful for this fall weather. No more 100 degree temperatures. (Can I get an AMEN y'all?!)

Yes, I complain about it & look forward to every holiday but I am so thankful for school. I am growing as a person as well as being educated! I am so blessed to have the freedom to attend school & study what I am passionate about!

I am thankful to live in America! We are FREE & no one can take that away! I don't discuss politics but I would like to say we can ALWAYS trust in the Lord. Pray for our country!

Today I am thankful for my warm leopard blanket! I take for granted  being able to come home, cuddle up on the couch with my warm blanket & relax.
 More thankfulness to come! THANKS for reading :)

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