Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Give Thanks

I have continued to document my thankfulness for the month of November.
Again, I thank redstamp for helping me document it all.
Day 8, I am thankful for my ipad. It's so accesible & so much can be done with it!
(Including face time with the sister!)

Speaking of the sister! Day9, I'm  so thankful for that sweet girl.
Such an inspiration & the best role model anyone could ask for.

Day 10. I am thankful for my car! My schedule is pretty crazy & I am sometime supposed to be two places at once. I am so thankful for my own transportation!

Day 11. (which was veterans day) So thankful for all who have served in our country. Keeping our country safe is a dangerous job. So thankful for these people & their families!

Day 12! Yay! The cold has finally arrived in Texas! I love the cold weater. It's an extra touch to the upcoming holiday season!

Day 13. My uggs are a life saver during the cold weather. I have ugg slippers & boots. So warm!!

Day 14 (today) I definitely enjoyed my hot coco in bed. (& who doesn't love a holiday mug?) If you can't tell..I love the holiday season!
Also..I have learned about a new online bible study which will start November 25. I heard about it at Kelly's Korner. She has lots of details & another link to get you signed up! It's my first online bible study, so I am excited to see what is in store!

Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Thankful November

November is here & in full swing! Thanksgiving will be here before we know it! (& so will those calories..eeeek! Anyhow, that is a whole nother post) Everyday in November until Thanksgiving I am going to document different things I am thankful for.

My first seven so far..(Thankful for the redstamp app. to help document my days)

I have an Iphone4s & Siri just might be the best thing since sliced bread! WOW! She told me step by step instructions on my GPS. (& for this sheltered small town girl, I'm horrible with big city directions!) So thankful for Siri when I was in the big city!

Love my mama! She does so much for me & I am so thankful for her! She always gives me unconditional love & support!

Words can not describe! Honestly, My the greatest lady ever!
I am so thankful for everything about her. Our lunch & shopping dates are so special & a tradition I will continue with my littles someday.

(Yes, I can count!) It's suppose to say day 4! I am thankful for this fall weather. No more 100 degree temperatures. (Can I get an AMEN y'all?!)

Yes, I complain about it & look forward to every holiday but I am so thankful for school. I am growing as a person as well as being educated! I am so blessed to have the freedom to attend school & study what I am passionate about!

I am thankful to live in America! We are FREE & no one can take that away! I don't discuss politics but I would like to say we can ALWAYS trust in the Lord. Pray for our country!

Today I am thankful for my warm leopard blanket! I take for granted  being able to come home, cuddle up on the couch with my warm blanket & relax.
 More thankfulness to come! THANKS for reading :)

Tuesday, October 30, 2012

September to November

October has been a very busy month. I've obviously neglected my blog but as of now..I'm BACK! I can't believe November is only two days away. The holidays are my favorite time of year. (I've been ready to put up the Christmas tree since the beginning of October!) I won't be participating in any Halloween festivities this year.I'll be on the road to observe in another school. I can't believe this time next year, I'll be applying for jobs. (eeeek! It sure does go by fast!)

1. I haven't bought any Halloween Candy this year! Buying a whole entire bag is dangerous for this  chocolate loving girl. I won't be home for trick or treaters, so there's really no "excuse" to buy any. (Even though I've definitely been craving a mini Reese's, Hershey's, kitkat & the list goes on.) Well she never fails Grannie that is! She's super special & even though I'm in college..she never forgets a Halloween treat for her baby granddaughter! (Thanks for the road trip snacks Gran!)

2. I am usually pretty last minute when it comes to Christmas shopping. (I'm one of those crazies who are shopping on Christmas Eve!) Well..not this year! I've already planned out my gift giving this year & most of it will be online ordering. I'm so excited about my sisters gift (probably because I ordered one for myself too!) She reads this good ol blog (probably one of the few but definitely faithful readers) so I can't show a picture till after Christmas. No doubt I'll be advertising though for the fabulous new company.

 3. I believe this month God is really trying to tell me to "wake up!" I love the Lord with all my heart but things can get pretty crazy at times! My college schedule has me teaching, observing mentor teachers, or studying for multiple tests a night. I sometimes get so stressed & busy, I forget how blessed I am! I am so fortunate to be able to go to school but a school where I can worship the Lord is even better!

4. REVENGE! I can't believe how much is going on. It's almost a little bit hard to try to keep up at times but no doubt I'm loving it! I honestly don't want it to end, so we will see how much mischief Emily can get into this Sunday.

5. I didn't workout ONE time this month. Yikes! The holidays are rapidly approaching and I better get my big booty to the gym & fast!

6. My goal for November-take a picture or make a note of things I am thankful for EVERYDAY until Thanksgiving.

Looks like November will be just as busy as October. This month will be a little different though. I'll stop and think about how BLESSED I am. ( & spend more time with the Lord) I will document my thankful November & share with y'all!

Have a good start to a new month!

Thursday, September 27, 2012

Happy Birthday Sister!

She's caring, nurturing, & the best cook in the WORLD! Her house looks like Martha Stewart or Nate Berkus(whom ever you prefer) came through & fixed it all up. Just because she's in Ohio, she's still a sassy southern belle! She's a precious wife & a momma to two sweet cocker spaniels!

She's my sister & bestfriend!
Happy Birthday pretty girl!

Y'all know I love any reason to celebrate! Unfortunately, I wasn't able to celebrate with my sister today. Come Monday--It will be a week full of FUN!

Wednesday, September 26, 2012

What I am loving

It's that day of the week again, halfway to FRIDAY! Time to share what I am loving this week!
Two of my classes are cancelled tomorrow! Thursdays are usually very busy days for me but not tomorrow! I plan on spending a little "me time". ( I've already got a date with the sale rack at Dillards!)
Womens Mossimo Supply Co. Odell Ballet Flats - Cheetah
Loving these leopard flats at Target! You can never have too many leopard shoes. Super cheap & super cute. They aren't sold in stores so order them here.
Pinned Image
90's temps all week? Who cares! It's time to get fall festive!! Check out these pumpkins. Glitter & chevron? FABULOUS! Time to get crafty...

& my favorite person to craft with=my sister! She's coming to town on MONDAY! (Yes, I'm like a kid at Christmas counting down the days)
 Most of you know, I'm totally hooked & Sunday can't come soon enough! So ready to be back in the Hamptons for some drama!
Several of my favorite blogs have done lots of posts about the Cameo! I did some research and I am IN LOVE! Wow! (Talk about a future teachers bestfriend) I've definitely added this one to the top of my Christmas list!
Have a good rest of the week. Friday can't be too far away!

Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Single's Day @ Kelly's Korner

Callie (left) & Courtney (right)
Hey, y'all!  I'm Callie, Courtney's older sister.  Today, I'm hijacking Courtney's blog!!!  It's about time that I step in and tell you about my fabulous sister!  Oh, and to the "single and ready to mingle" fellas...listen up!  I am linking Courtney up to Kelly's Korner for single's day.  So, let's get down to business...

First, as you have probably already realized from reading Courtney's blog, she is as cute. as. a. button.  This girl has style and class.  She is the perfect southern belle.  You may see her on the runway or at the grocery store.  Guaranteed, she will be dressed to the nines, from her gorgeous dark hair, all the way down to those perfectly pedicured toes.

But, don't be fooled, this Texas girl can kick it in the country, too! She likes to fish, hunt, and loves cook-outs.  Courtney is studying to be a teacher.  She keeps those kindergartners in line, all while providing cute, crafty art projects, in a fun learning environment.  

My sister has such a caring heart for the elderly.  She is the light of our grandparents' lives and keeps the humor and practical jokes flowing.  

With her fun personality and adventurous spirit, Courtney is a blast to be around!  She loves country music and knows just how to enjoy life and have a great time!  

Courtney loves Jesus, and if it's in His will, she's ready to find a special guy here on earth to love, too.

Thanks for stopping by!

Monday, September 17, 2012

Art walk & A special Birthday

This month for Art walk I decided on a fall theme. The weather has been totally fabulous & fallish so it worked out perfect!

My precious Grannie picked lots of leaves off of her tree for me to use! (God bless that woman for always lending a helping hand) First I had the kids draw a tree trunk on their paper. Then we dipped the leaves in fall colored paint & stamped them around our tree. (I just had paper plates with paint in them for the leaf dipping. It wasn't too messy & the leaves turned out great) I got the leaf printing idea here. Of course to finish it off we added some GLITTER! The holidays are coming & you can never go wrong with a little sparkle.

On another note..Saturday was my Pa's birthday! We had a fabulous lunch at Perinis with family. If you are in the area, check it out! Trust me, your tummy will NOT be disappointed!

The weather this past weekend has me totally convinced Fall is pretty much here! I can even handle the mid 80s. As long as we aren't near the 100s I am HAPPY! ( & no..this fabulous sign is not in my yard, but it should be!) Another pinterest find..suprise?
I am also convinced I'm turning into the crazy weather lady. In other words-all I blog, tweet or talk about is these fabulous temperatures. (& the fact I wore my favorite brown boots this weekend!)

Have a blessed week y'all!